

Estamos aqui.
Interrogamos símbolos persistentes.
É a hora do infinito desacerto-acerto.
O vulto da nossa singularidade viaja por palavras
matéria insensível de um poder esquivo.
Confissões discordantes pavimentam a nossa hesitação.
Há uma embriaguez de luto em nossos actos-chaves.

Aspiramos à alta liberdade
um bem sempre suspenso que nos crucifica.

Cheios de ávidas esperanças sobrevoamos
e depois mergulhamos nessa outra esfera imaginária.
Com arriscada atenção aspiramos à ditosa notíciade uma perfeição especialista em fracassos.
Estrangeiros sempre
agudamente colhemos os frutos discordantes.

Ana Hatherly
Imagem: Laura Redburn


I’m slow like the trees when they grow

Everyone seems so certain

Everyone knows who they are
Everyone’s got a mother and a father
They all seem so sure they’re going far
They all got more friends than they can use

Except me ‘cause I’m a fool
I’m as simple as a bee
As a melody in C
But it don’t matter
There are more wishes than stars

Every guest
So pleased with themselves
They’re brimming with success
Their whole life’s been blessed
But it don’t matter

Everyone’s been on a holiday in the sun
Or they just got back from one
All they do is just have fun
They all got more friends than they can use

I’m not too certain about many things
I’m not too sure who I am
I ain't got no mother and I ain't got no father
I ain't got no girlfriend to hold my hand

I’m slow like the trees when they grow
I’m sluggish like the ocean when it moves
I’m plain like water or like rain
But I shouldn’t complain cause it don’t matter

There are more wishes than stars

More wishes than stars

Wishes and stars, Harper Simon


everyday it's a-gettin' closer goin' faster than a roller coaster


Everyday, Buddy Holly




dá-me os teus olhos

eles são lagos, crateras de atenção, e a tua boca na minha, torna
o meu vestido num fragmento de mim,
tecido-terra por onde circula a claridade

dá-me os teus olhos

esta é a hora temperada da excepcionalidade, de um não-pensar,
via da consolação e dom, momento em que nada se disse
e não importou

dá-me os teus olhos, só assim serei alguém de amor

Ana Marques Gastão
Imagem: Kate Pulley

when we were young i never had to carry those fears i have today

When we were young, Sucré


o vento é um menino bulindo com gente

Contravento, Céu


You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.




We bought a zoo, Cameron Crowe (2011)


tomai lá!




Bebido o luar, ébrios de horizontes,
Julgamos que viver era abraçar
O rumor dos pinhais, o azul dos montes
E todos os jardins verdes do mar.

Mas solitários somos e passamos,
Não são nossos os frutos nem as flores,
O céu e o mar apagam-se exteriores
E tornam-se os fantasmas que sonhamos.

Porquê jardins que nós não colheremos,
límpidos nas auroras a nascer,
Porquê o céu e o mar se não seremos
nunca os deuses capazes de os viver.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen


hang on to the things that you're supposed to say
billions of stars that open to your fate

Norway, Beach House


porque será que descobrir que miss fiona fez isto me faz sentir melhor e gostar ainda mais desta menina?

"... So I’m sorry, and I’m not sorry, and I’ll make it all up, and I’ll be really embarrassed, & I’ll kick myself for awhile, and other people might too, but pretty soon it’ll be next week, and then it will be next month, and then there will something new to worry about, and many new things to not worry about."

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March 01, 2000

I write this particular entry as the most humiliated form of myself. Last night I really fucked up. It was the New York show, my home town, all my friends and family, and I couldn’t even finish the show. I just couldn’t hear myself at all on that stage, and I lost it. I just don’t know how to put myself into something that is so obviously wrong. I couldn’t continue with a show that was shaping up to be one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. I couldn’t. I am so fucking sorry that I don’t have whatever it takes to be “professional” in a situation like that. I feel like I let everyone down, and made a fool of myself in front of everyone I respect. But I don’t know what else I could’ve done. No doubt I’ll get ridiculed in the reviews, and some people in that audience are probably very disappointed in me, and I’m so sorry.
I can’t apologize enough. I wanted so much to give not just a good show, but the best I could do — and given the situation, I wasn’t able to do my best. If I can’t do my best, I can’t do it. I just couldn’t hear myself at all. And then, true to form, of course I got on a crying jag and couldn’t stop. I didn’t mean to insult the audience by cutting the show short, but it was becoming a very un-musical spectacle, and it needed to be aborted. I have to say I think I made the right decision — for myself, at least. I’d rather have people be disappointed in me for walking off a show, than have them see a bad show. I certainly won’t ever do that again; I won’t let myself be in a situation like that; I won’t play at Roseland — actually, the only other time I ever cut a song from the set was also at Roseland, and for the same reason. I only cut Never is a Promise, and I felt bad then, but nothing compared to this. I’ll make it up to everyone, I promise. I wish this didn’t happen, but at least now my worst stage-nightmare has already come true, so it’s over with — you gotta figure something like that is bound to happen at some point to everyone, right?
My fear is that when I say the sound was bad, it may sound like a trivial thing — believe me, please — I couldn’t hear a thing — I’d give anything to take back last night — I’d give anything not to have let everyone down, and I’d give anything for the peace of mind to deal with my ego now. That’s really the part I hate. How did this become about my ego? Was my head in the wrong place, wanting to impress people, and prove myself to them? If I weren’t thinking that way, would I have been able to keep it together? That’s something I hate to think about. But I guess that just means I’m only human, and this was only a show. And speaking selfishly, I’m glad I walked off, because if I hadn’t, the sheer mediocrity that that show would’ve become, would’ve absolutely killed me. So I’m sorry, and I’m not sorry, and I’ll make it all up, and I’ll be really embarrassed, & I’ll kick myself for awhile, and other people might too, but pretty soon it’ll be next week, and then it will be next month, and then there will something new to worry about, and many new things to not worry about.
At this point, I should probably say sorry again, in regards to the writing of this letter, but I think I’ve worn out the word for now.
I’ll write again soon


O'Sailor, Fiona Apple

they say it's spring



They say it's spring, Blossom Dearie